Schedule of Upcoming Roaring Fork Valley Workshops

<!--This Summer we will be aligning our Breathwork Workshops with the powerfully energetic astrological phenomenon known as the Lion's Gate Portal. This event includes an influx of high-frequency energy which can inspire spiritual transformation, awakening, and alignment. Additionally, Leo's influence magnifies personal power, courage, and self-expression.

Never in our history has there been a more important time to step into one's power in order to create one's positive future.

  • (Integration) Breathwork combined with "What just happened?"- riding the resulting energetic waves from August's Lion's Gate Portal into Manifesting Your Desires!

Combining Astrology with Neo-Shamanic Breathwork provides an opportunity for deep healing and transformation, letting go of past traumas and blockages, and paving the way for new beginnings.

Neo-Shamanic Breathwork Workshop: "Calling in Prosperity"

Are you ready to manifest your new life?

  • Roaring Fork Valley Scheduled Monthly WorkShops (in Season)

  • Private Workshops ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD

  • 3-Day Retreats At Luxury Resorts
“Until you make the unconscious conscious,
it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
carl Jung
©copyright 2024  Neo-Shamanic Shadow Works
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Roaring Fork Valley =

Poverty Consciousness

No suprise here...  We live in the valley of the extreme "haves" and "have-nots"...  It is very easy to unconsciously dislike money and those folks who have a lot of it.

While a wealthy life is not just about money, it certainly helps.

This breathwork workshop addresses you and your mindset.

We will immerse you in the Abundance Mindset.  You will tap into your unconscious money blockages and release them!

You can open to the wealth collective that is all around us, mondify your heart-standing about it, and absorb what is already rightfully yours!  Join us!